Monday, November 22, 2010

Well last week turned out to be a rough one. I missed my long saturday run and gained .4 lbs. Oye! Oddly enough, it wasn't because I didn't want to run, we just had a million different things going on and I just couldn't squeeze it in. With Thanksgiving coming up, I'm determined to stay on schedule. Since running is coming a little easier to me, I really need to start cross training too. I know I should be doing it almost every day that I don't run, but I didn't want to get burned out. But I think I'm ready to commit. A lot of people have told me yoga and swimming are great for cross training. I love yoga and would do it every day if I had the time. Swimming, I'm not so sure about. Unless sitting in the shallow end of the kiddie pool with my kids counts :) I'm just not that great of a swimmer, and I get bored doing laps. Another thing I think I'll try is pilates. That's usually what I do right after having babies. It doesn't require a lot of flexibilty or strength, but it seemed to realy help me after I had Aleah. I remember pulling out my mat and being so excited that I could finallly work out again, only to realize I couldn't even sit up from laying on the floor. I had to roll on my side and push myself up. (sigh) Anyway, today is back to training! 

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