Monday, November 15, 2010

My first official run!

So I ran my first official run last Monday. It's official because I have running shoes and I recorded my time and distance. Please no laughing, but I ran and whole 1.5 miles without stopping! I don't think I've run that far since before I got married. I was quite proud.

I thought about making this really official and posting before and after pictures, you know the really awful ones on infomercials in bikinis. But I will spare everyone the agony, and just post my weight loss for now. When I feel like if other people know if I'm progressing or not, I'm much more motivated to stick with it. So here it is, total weight loss so far, 2 pounds. WOO HOO!!


  1. Woo hoo Kristy! I am excited to follow your journey!!

  2. Running is awesome, and it's something that I became addicted to. It's great to keep you healthy, and tones your legs like crazy. You're doing great! 1.5 miles is awesome. I am so excited for you!

  3. Yay for starting a blog. I'm already impressed with how far you can run. Half a mile and I'm huffing and puffing like an old lady. Can't wait to follow your journey!
