Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thought I'd add a quick post...  I did 8 miles last Saturday, and believe me, Rock Tape is a lifesaver. My right knee was a little sore that day, but my the next morning I felt like I could run another 8. Although, the goal is to get my legs and muscles strong enough to run without anything, but the tape has helped me go further without injury.

Also, I went to my first Ragnar meeting. I'm so excited now. My team has awesome runners, most of who have already done it, and who all have a great sense of humor. Can't wait!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Well I'm still training. Which despite of how dull that may sound, it's a really good thing. I've never lasted this long a single exercise program. It's hard sometimes because I don't feel like I've progressed that much, but when I look back at where I started, I think I've done pretty well. Yesterday I did my longest run so far, which was 7 miles. That's more than half way to my goal of a half marathon, Yay! It was easier than I thought it would be. The only down side of running further is my knees. After about 5 miles, I really start to feel the strain on them. R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) helps a ton, but lately my right knee has been giving me a hard time. It's taken longer and longer to recover. I've seen runners with tape on their knees and figured I've give it a try. I bought some Rock tape from Salt Lake Running co. and put it on. So far I'm really liking it. I'll have to see how it works out when I do my long runs.

I've also decided to run the Park City marathon this summer. That's right, a full, 26.2 mile marathon. It's something I've always wanted to do, at least once in my life. So I figured if I'm going to be putting in all this training, I might as well go for it. Plus it's supposed to be a beautiful run through park city. Maybe it will take my mind off all the pain I'll be in. For now I'll just keep running.