Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's official! I finally registered for the Salt Lake half marathon. No backing out now. It's set for April 16th at 7:00 am. I'm starting to excited now. I'm up to 4 miles and running is coming so much easier than it did at first. I think having music to listen to made all the difference for me. I used to run at work and just watch whatever was on tv, but I'd get really bored really fast. So I had my husband create a playlist for me on my mp3 player that just had fun upbeat workout music. Now, I really enjoy my runs. Not only am I getting healthier, but I get a little 'Me' time.

Last Saturday was the hardest run I've done. I ran outside for the first time in months (first mistake) and not only did I freeze my butt off, there was a strong headwind for the first half of my run. Then to make things harder, I thought it would be a great idea to take my dog with me (second mistake). He's a Schnauzer/Dacshund mix and not very well trained. He actually did pretty well as far as keeping up with me, but he was so excited to go for a walk he kept running right in front of my feet and weaving back and forth. So I could either step on him or awkwardly try to leap over him the last second. It's makes it a lot harder to keep your pace and breathe when you're constantly worried about falling over your dumb dog. Lastly I hadn't checked out the route before hand to see if there were side walks or room on the road to run (third mistake). So for the second half of my run, I had to run through dirt and gravel next to the road, and make sure I didn't get run over by a car. But I've learned my lesson. For now I will definitely stick to the treadmill.

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